Why do you only post vacuumed Biltong at the moment?
Due to Covid-19 all the postal companies are super busy. This unfortunately means that there are a lot of delays with the postal service. For this reason we cannot guarantee that Biltong in paper bag - which has a limited shelf life, will get to our customers in time. Once the postal service goes back to it's normal self, we will start posting Biltong in paperbag again.
How long can I keep my Biltong?
This really depends on how well you store your Biltong as it is a perishable product which requires proper handling and storage to prevent it from going off or forming mould. Keep in mind that Biltong is a meat product that has been 'dry preserved', but it is still a meat and should be treated as such. Here are some basic storage tips: - Keep in a dry, cool area. (Refrigeration is a good alternative.) - Keep out of direct sunlight and heat. - Keep in a paper bag or container. Do not use a plastic bag. - Keep the bag/container closed. - Wetter biltong should be shuffled a few times a day to let moisture escape. - Whole pieces of biltong should be kept in a brown bag or hung in well ventilated room. Consume within: - Freshly sliced Biltong in Paperbag should be consumed immediately or if kept in the correct cool, dry conditions within 2 days. - Whole pieces of Biltong in Paperbag can be kept no longer than 3 days in the fridge as this can start to grow mould (like cheese) if too wet or conditions in the fridge are not correct. - Vacuum packed Biltong can stay fresh for at least 3 months, as long as the packaging is intact and it was stored at a normal temperature. Once opened remove the Biltong from the plastic packaging. Consume immediately or store in paperbag. Do not keep it in the plastic packaging. Remember the warmer the storage temperature the shorter the shelf life. High humidity (which is common in The Netherlands) can also increase the risk of spoilage/mould.
I won't be able to finish all of my Biltong within the next couple of days. What now?!
If you find yourself with 'leftover' Biltong that you would love to enjoy at a later date you have 2 choices. 1. Vacuum pack the biltong 2. Freeze the biltong This way you can keep the biltong for another few weeks or even months. Helpful tips to prevent this situation: - Not sure if you will be able to eat all the Biltong within 2 days? No problem. Order the same amount of Biltong, but simply select smaller packaging sizes. Eg. Instead of 1kg Biltong in Paperbag - order 200g Paperbag and 4x 200g Vacuum. This way you can easily open and eat the right amount of Biltong without having the rest spoil. We do our Biltong in 100, 200 and 500 gram sizes.
Biltong lasts a long time in South Africa. Why is this different here?
The humidity in the Netherlands and most of Europe is ALOT higher than what we are used to in South Africa. The more humid the more chance you have of the biltong going mouldy.