Mellerware Biltong King 116W (UK plug with EU travel plug.) - Only for collection

Mellerware Biltong King 116W (UK plug with EU travel plug.) - Only for collection
Mellerware Biltong King 116W (UK plug with EU travel plug.) - Only for collection
Only available in the shop - cannot be posted - click product for more info in description. (Amersfoort - now available. Eindhoven - from 9th of March.)
€ 65,00
Price per Unit
We know this will disappoint a lot of people, but the biltong boxes will only be available in store, both Amersfoort & Eindhoven. (Unfortunately no exceptions, due to past postal issues.)

We also fear that we may not have sufficient stock, as the amount of people who indicated they are interested has doubled since we placed our order in October last year. Please note we received the UK plug version again by mistake, but we will include an EU adapter, free of charge.   

Feel free to order the biltong box online for collection to avoid disappointment when visiting our shop. Order as Collection - Location: Amersfoort and in the Order Comment Section state at which shop (Amersfoort or Eindhoven) you would like to collect. (The collection fee will be waived when only ordering the Biltong Box.) We will notify you when your order is ready to be collected.